Limitations of our History TextbookCreated by David Hunter

Students explore historical perspectives that may not be included in the class textbook.

ActivityActivity TypeDescription
hookHave a DiscussionHow does history affect your life and why is it important to try and understand history?
  • What is the question or prompt students will discuss to get hooked?How does history affect your life and why is it important to try and understand history?
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    informWatch a Video or DemonstrationHoward Zinn on the Limitations of American History Books
    • Title of what students will watch:Howard Zinn on the Limitations of American History Books
    • Directions for studentsWatch the video and consider what we might be missing from our history textbook.
    • Key information students should take away (optional)There are point of views missing in traditional history textbooks.
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    practiceShareOne piece of key information or point of view that they think is missing from our history textbook.
    • What will students share?One piece of key information or point of view that they think is missing from our history textbook.
    • Directions for studentsGet into groups. Share ideas about what perspectives you think could be missing from our history textbook. Be ready to share your ideas with the class. Be ready to choose one of the ideas to research and compare to our history textbook.
    • What do you anticipate students will think during this practice? (optional)Students might be struggling to think of "facts" that were left out.
    • How can you respond to engourage student learning? (optional)Encourage students to think of "perspectives" or points-of-view that might be overlooked in our textbook.
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      applyAnswer a QuestionWhat are the possible limitations of our history textbook as a historical resource?
      • What question(s) will students answer?What are the possible limitations of our history textbook as a historical resource?Provide evidence from other texts or resources that shows the possible limitations of our history textbook.
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        1. Standard Not Met2. Approaching Standard3. Standard Met4. Exceeding Standard
        D2.His.10.6-8 - HistoryDetect possible limitations in the historical record based on evidence collected from different kinds of historical sources.
        Identified the types of limitations historical records can have.
        Identified possible limitations in the historical record based on evidence collected from different kinds of historical sources.
        Identified and explained possible limitations in the historical record based on evidence collected from different kinds of historical sources.
        Evaluated and explained possible limitations in various kinds of historical evidence and differing secondary interpretations.

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